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These Kolaimni regression protocols aim to take the person back to periods of their past, however distant it may be, so that they can see the reasons why things are going a certain way in their life and change some patterns.

When we understand a situation, we can deal with it in a better way, and even transform it into a positive experience.

What does karmic mean?

Karmic comes from Karma, a Sanskrit word that means action weather mental, verbal or physical. That is, thoughts, words and deeds. Every act, whether good or bad, positive or negative, leaves an impression in our life.

Karma is neither bad nor punishment, it is balancing .


What is a karmic wound?

A karmic wound is a wound of the soul linked to its own past , which acts as an energy knot and which manifests in our present on our physical body, our mind, our emotions.

The consequences are to limit us , to block us and to prevent us from moving forward by keeping us in an automatic setting of patterns that prevents us from being the real actors of our own life .

All these wounds that we keep have repercussions on us - by slowing down our evolution - but also, the evolution of our children to whom we transmit - unconsciously - these memories, thus weighing them down them with a load which is not their's.



Benefits of being freed from these karmic wounds

  • It cuts the links with some bounds from our past.

  • Allows us to be in harmony with ourselves and with others.

  • We attract more favorable life experiences : this is the law of attraction.

  • We are better aligned with our soul and our life missions and therefore better aligned with the law of abundance.

  • It frees us from blockages , fears, phobias and better live your professional, sentimental, family or social life.

  • We can claim back all our potential , our esteem and thus strengthen our self-confidence, using our own capabilities, resources and values, which may have been buried.

  • We have the feeling of increased WELL-BEING : harmony between Body and Spirit.


This applies to all men and women.

Freeing ourselves from these karmic memories allows us not to live the same sufferings, the same failures, the same situations - over and over again  ...


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Contact : 06 02 04 64 92

Email :
Basé dans le Loiret (45) - FRANCE

Who am I?

First of all, I am a passionate person :

●  Passionate about Human being
For many decades, I dedicated myself to coaching and personal development, within european industry corporations or in the context of caritative, cultural or sport’s activities.  

●  Passionate about the functioning of the mind
My goals are to enliven your awareness of your operating modes, to enhance your performances, to express your potentialities and for you to reach your professional and/or personal goals.
My personal strenghts are real skills in listening, deep empathy, positive energy and natural kindness.​

●  Passionate about Hypnosis, Kolaimni, and personal and professional coaching
With those tools, and as an awakening facilitator, I guide you to a better knowledge of yourself, in order to identify your resources and your potentialities, to increase your wellness…..and to being your genuine self.


Meeting Emilie Combe and Marie-Hélène Tourenne has been a decisive step. Learning from their experience how to connect to the Light (K1-K2.1 & K2.2) and to offer energetic healing for the wellness of everyone is an everyday source of inspiration for me..
This is why when they asked me – as an hypnotherapist – to participate to the project « Free yourself from karmic wounds », I was so proud and grateful.

I’m at your disposal to coach you to go back in time – in total safety – and go back to a special moment of a past life of yours in order to heal emotional wounds, fears, anxiety and other traumas related to this event, to be in peace and increase internal harmony.



Contact : 07 66 36 25 32

93a avenue de la République- 91230 Montgeron
Basé en Ile de France (91) - FRANCE

After a first professional life as an interior designer, and walking the path of personal development for more than 10 years, I felt that I wanted my life to be closer to other human beings. It was a clear call.
During those years of introspection, I have been lucky to meet « beautiful people » who allowed me and helped me to learn several healing techniques in order to pass on wellness to others.
Among these techniques, the most important regarding energetic healing are Reiki and above all Kolaimni, and then, my main practice: hypnosis, including PNL and coaching.

​I have also developed an interest in reflexology, lithotherapy, kinesiology, shamanism, as tools to better help others. Again, a clear call.. I studied in Ecole Centrale & Hypnose (Paris), Ecole Dolfino (Canada), and Ecole Oomycoah (Paris), with an Ericksonian approach. Since 2018, I now practice hypnotherapy, and I’m part of the training staf of the JIA Method program for Ecole Oomycoach since 2019.
In addition to hypnosis, the Kolaimni healing techniques are the tools I often also use since I took the
Kolaimni 1 and 2 training courses.

Today, I’m very happy to rely on these two wonderful techniques thanks to my last training « Free yourself from karmic wounds », in order to guide you through hypnosis to make you experience thisamazing internal transformative adventure.

For a consultation please call me at 07 66 36 25 32

Cabinet adress :
93a avenue de la république, Montgeron 91230

Sessions are also availible in visioconference.

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