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within the association)

Emilie COMBE


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Marie Helene TOURENNE






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Michelle NORTIER


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Brigitte ROHRER



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Kolaimni 1, 2, 3, 4 instructor
& Instructor Trainer

  • Présidente
    de l'association Kolaimni

  • Instructrice Kolaimni 1, 2 , 3 et 4

  • Formatrice d’instructeurs Kolaimni

  • Basée dans l'Aude (11240)

  • Contact:

  • +33 6 48 33 13 31

  • President of the Kolaimni association

  • Kolaimni 1, 2, 3, 4 Coach

  • Kolaimni Instructor trainer

  • Based in the Gironde (33) France

  • Contact:

  • +33 6 48 33 13 31

  • Presentation:

  • I have been fortunate enough to have a very rich life, both in terms of blessings and challenges.

  • I started Transcendental Meditation in 1973 and under the guidance of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi became a TM teacher, it brought me very rewarding experiences, growth, understanding and many surprises!

  • About 20 years later, I discovered empirically that I had the ability to help others using my hands, but I intuitively knew there was a lot more to discover and wanted an effective, simple, practical, time proven technique.

  • In 1996, I was fortunate to meet Mechi Garza who taught me Kolaimni, a very complete ancestral method, very gentle and very powerful at the same time, which fulfilled my search far beyond my expectations. It was the beginning of a long and wonderful friendship with this extraordinary woman who never ceased to train me during my successive visits to her village in West Virginia in the USA. She trained me as an instructor and subsequently asked me to compose an instructor training manual that we finalized together a few years before she left her flesh body. It is a joy for me to practice Kolaimni, to teach it and to train instructors.


Instructrice Kolaimni 1, 2, 3, 4


J’ai eu 62 ans en 2024 et j’ai l’impression d’avoir déjà vécu mille vies en une vie. Et même si parfois celle-ci  est loin d’être un long fleuve tranquille, je la trouve résolument époustouflante et incroyablement merveilleuse.

Bousculée très tôt dans l’enfance par ce que je qualifie maintenant d’expériences de modification du champ de conscience, je commence la pratique du yoga à l’âge de 23 ans, à la naissance de ma fille. Ma vie étant jalonnée de rêves prémonitoires, de ressentis pour des maux  ou joies qui ne m’appartenaient pas toujours, il fallait que je comprenne. J’avais beaucoup de peine à supporter la souffrance d’autrui  tant je la ressentais dans ma chair. Tour à tour pédicure-podologue, professeur des écoles, enseignante de yoga, la vie me pousse à ouvrir Mérignac Yoga et à suivre une formation en  Yogathérapie à Paris. Prendre soin des autres et enseigner me permet de faire retomber la pression intérieure.

En 2016, après une série de rêves annonciateurs de sa venue, une petite boule de poils  entre dans ma vie. Miel, un cavalier King Charles. Il m’ouvre la voie de la communication animale. C’est sur le profil de Cécile Chastanet que je lis pour la première fois le mot KOLAIMNI. Le jour même, je découvre les vidéos et présentations de Kolaimni par Marie-Hélène Tourenne.  Et c’est  une évidence, ses explications sont claires et concrètes, elles me parlent.  Dans la semaine qui suit j’assiste à une première formation Kolaimni avec Marie-Hélène. K1 que j’ai refait plusieurs fois pour approfondir. Puis très vite celle pour les animaux avec Cécile… Les autres formations ont suivi K2,  K3, et K4. Pratiquer  Kolaimni, être porteur de Lumière,  pour ma famille, mes proches,  amis, animaux ou des inconnus et sur moi-même est un étonnement toujours renouvelé. 

Marie-Hélène, partant s’installer et enseigner dans l’Aude, m’a proposé de me former pour être instructrice Kolaimni et assurer la continuité de l’enseignement Kolaimni dans la région.  Quelle surprise !!! Mais aussi quel bonheur mêlé d’appréhension devant une telle responsabilité! J’espère être digne de cette confiance et je prie et remercie « le Grand Esprit » de continuer à me guider sur cet incommensurable  chemin de lumière.


Instructrice Kolaimni 1




Kolaimni 1 & 2 Instructor

Instructor Trainer


  • Vice-Président of Kolaimni association 

  • Kolaimni 1 & 2 Instructor

  • Loiret (45) - FRANCE

  • Contact:

  • +33 6 33 14 26 14

My name is Emilie Combe and I became a nurse in 2006. After practicing in a hospital in various services in the geriatrics area, I joined home services as a coordinator nurse. This new position allowed me to regain the connexion with my patientsI was missing more and more at the hospital due to a lack of time…
I suffered health issues that modern medicine couldn’t resolve and as I became desperate, I turned to alternative medicine…that’s when, in 2016, I was given a Kolaimni session by a friend who had been just been trained.
This experience totally changed my life : I felt so much better, and I was so full of hope… My friend insisted that I learn the technique in order to control my pain by myself, but I didn’t want to, I was stuck in total doubt and scepticism and about the statement that « everyone could use this method ». Despite my interrogations, I was trained in november 2017.
At that time, I definitely didn’t know how deeply it would change my life. First, I could relieve my own pain, and second, I could take care of others while respecting my values of love and benevolence.

Then, in 2018, Marie-Hélène offered to me to become an instructor and it has been an HONOR.
Today, I’m very excited to pass on this knowledge that I learnt from Marie-Hélène.

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Kolaimni 1 Instructor

& Kolaimni "Earth et Nature"

  • Kolaimni 1 instructor

  • Kolaimni "Terre et Nature" instructor

  • Bretagne - Finistère Sud - FRANCE

  • Contact:

  • +33 6 61 47 82 26

In 2012, my life took a turn. After years of introspection, I decided to respond to that « something » spiritual, intuitive, instinctive that lived inside me from my childhood on.
Animals came back into my life and guided me, teached me so much and continue to do so everyday. Then, in 2014, Kolaimni came to me. As soon as I opened the website, I knew it was my way. Since my first training, I do practice this ancestral technique a lot and and it gives me so much happiness. I’m « specialized » in animals healing. I am very happy and lucky to teach Kolaimni to others, always with the briliant coaching of Marie-Hélène.
A big thank you to her, to Mechi and Lothar.

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Kolaimni 1 Instructor

  • Kolaimni 1 Instructor

  • Alsace - Haut-Rhin - FRANCE

  • Contact :

  • +33 6 15 76 34 17 


My name is Eric Fréchard, and I studied biochemistry. After being a shopkeeper for many years, my life took a complete turn in 2010, when I realized I wanted to try to bring wellness to people. I then studied ortho-bionomy (a soft manual practice having comon roots with osteopathy). I validated my training in 2014 and it is my job now.


During this training, I felt I was attracted to the energetic side of healing, which I could feel while I was practicing. People on whom I worked to figure out the process told me about their different feelings: warmth, tickling, thrills…. And so I opened up to magnetism. ​

​In 2015, I discovered Kolaimni « by chance » !!! on a video made by Marie-Hélène. I was immediately « called » and wanted to know more about it. I crossed France to follow this first training in Saintes. Since that day, I’m still surprised by the simplicity and easyness of giving Kolaimni and, above all, of all the good it brings. I was surprised when Marie-Hélène offered to train me as a Kolaimni instructor and I accepted with joy and honor because I know that sharing this wonderful healing is part of my life path.

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Kolaimni 1 & 2 Instructor


Anna lives in Seattle and teaches both in USA and Russia when she stays here during the summer.

I am Anna Romanenko. I was born and raised in Russia, but have lived in the Seattle area for the last 18 years. I am a Kolaimni practitioner and instructor, Reiki Master, Sound Healer, Systemic Constellation Facilitator, Neurographica Instructor and a woodcarver. I was introduced to Kolaimni as part of my personal journey to healing about 5 years ago and was amazed how simple and effective it is. I’ve practiced Kolaimni since 2017. In 2018, I translated the Kolaimni 1 workbook to Russian and taught my first class in my hometown in Siberia in 2019. Now, I’m working on translating the Kolaimni 2.1 workbook. I teach classes in Russian and English. Please contact me if you would like to schedule a session or a group class at:

You may find more information about me on my website or more information about Kolaimni in Russian on the website




Kolaimni 1 & 2 Instructor

I am Rev. Donna Kopitsky MA, MSW , a Reki Master, Lotus Light Reki Master, Theta Healing Practitioner, and Kolaimni Practitioner and Instructor. I was personally trained as a Kolaimni Instructor by Mechi in 1989 in West Virginia. Professionally, I am a former Special Education teacher. I am also a Licensed Unity teacher, an ordained Interfaith Minister through the New Seminary in NYC and I currently teach an online Prosperity class for Unity Worldwide Spiritual Institute. I have a spiritual seeker since 1980 and have
studied all facets of spirituality. If I had to describe myself spiritually I would say I am an old soul and a Light Worker. Guest speaking at various Unity ministries and conducting workshops on Prosperity, Forgiveness and Power Affirmations are my greatest joys. My passion is sharing various healing techniques and teaching others to do these techniques. If you would like to schedule a Reiki or Kolaimni healing session or a group training you can contact me at this email address:



Kolaimni 1 & 2 Instructor

Photo : Leslie Hollis & Mechi Garza, 2012

  • Kolaimni 1 & 2 Instructor

  • Iowa (united States)

  • Contact :

Leslie Hollis developed her interest in spirituality and the depths of the metaphysical while studying various religions in grade school. She began her investigation of alternative and holistic healing methods in 1982, after suffering a physical injury. When her grandmother was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2001 she began a focused study of Reiki, plant medicine, and essential oils to aid in her grandmother’s healing, and ultimate recovery. In the years that followed she continued to offer Reiki to friends and family and received her Reiki Master certification in 2006 and in 2008 she became a student practitioner of Healing Touch.  After attending a lecture by Marie- Helene Tourenne in 2010, her adventure with Kolaimni began. Leslie received her Certified Kolaimni teacher training from Mechi Garza in 2012. She also holds an MFA in Studio Arts specializing in metalsmithing and jewelry design.

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