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Each living being can receive the Light for its own wellness.
Animals are very present in our lives and like us, they sometimes need support at a physical or emotional level.
Animals are very receptive to Kolaimni and very happy to receive wellness healings when one offers to give it to them with respect and with their agreement, of course. Kolaimni can help them for any health concern, as much as to ease them when they had a painful start in life, if they lost a beloved one, if they are disturbed by a change of circumstances or any event that could affect them.

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+33 6 61 47 82 26
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Basée en Bretagne – Finistère Sud 

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It is important to stress out the fact that we never establish a medical diagnosis and that consulting a veterinary is essential, especially because it allows us to know which organs we will work on with Kolaimni energetic healings.
We give Kolaimni remotly or being close to the animal, to one animal or to a group of animals. In addition to the global healing, specific protocols can be used: reducing pain, increasing energy, working on local affections or easing emotional wounds.
Living with animals everyday means sharing a lot of joy and love with them, but sometimes, it can also mean misunderstanding, because we forgot the simple connections that has been unfiying human beings and animals for millions of years. Through Kolaimni, we may consider the relationships between humans and animals and find together a better way to cover our
companions’ needs and desires.

Kolaimni is a healing technique available for everyone!

If you want to, you can learn the technique to help your animals and your pets, or even help wild or stray animals.


To learn the technique, please see the training pages on this website.
To ask for a session for your animal, please contact us.

Sessions for animals in presence are subject to certain conditions.


Kolaimni experiments performed on animals

Susi is a mare who has swallowing problems. When she feeds, it forms a "plug", which she cannot spit out or swallow. It comes back about every three weeks.

I gave Susi two Kolaimni, a few weeks apart, remotely since Susi is in Luxembourg.

First feedback: "Susi seems to be doing well, she is more alive since your session, she shows more  energy, she rolls over, she jumps"

“Hello, I would like to thank you for the treatment you have done for my horse Susi. Since the treatment, Susi has become a whole different horse. She is happier, more balanced and she shows her joie de vivre. She has no longer had any health problems and she seems more lively, happier. Many thanks and best regards. "

- Claire Bastian

Kolaimni technique on animals
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