Ghislaine is a kolaimnist who helps those around her who come to her for support, she shares here with us the details of her work and the results of her interventions.
" Ghislaine testimonials – 2021/2022 season
Alain spent several months with a badly placed clot in his heart before being able to have surgery. Pacemaker since October 2021
For 2 years, he had not done anything all day: TV, TV and naps, very sore left knee and difficulty walking.
Despite all his efforts, his wife couldn't get him to move an inch!
After a 2nd complete Kolaimni, there was a slight improvement, he walks a little better but is still in front of the TV!
After the 3rd session, he walks a little better, has less knee pain, moves a little more, but is in a bad mood.
I add to the complete Kolaimni the “Mood swings” protocol which I alternate with “Energy”: he begins to take some initiatives, such as emptying the trash and doing a little craft every day!
After the 7th session, miracle: he goes to visit his neighbor who lives 300 m away on foot !
At the same time he is obliged (as soon as he feels out of breath) to take medication again which, unfortunately, completely prevents him from walking and gives him gout attacks, however after 2 complete sessions with drainage on the legs, he walk again, tinker and get better and better!
To be continued ……..
Marc , living in Mayotte, very tired and stressed
Intestinal problems, constipation, flatulence, lower back pain.
After 3 complete sessions, emphasizing the points mentioned above, and adding Relaxation, everything is fine.
Onset of pain in the legs, due to heart medication
After 2 sessions with leg drainage, he is much better! To be continued…..
Liliane, herniated disc and lumbar pain: resolved in 2 to 3 sessions!
Sophie : lingering depressive state dating back several years, anxiety, etc... alternation of Complete Kolaimni then Nalko (protocol aimed at reducing fear) and Basic Emotional = doing very well
Elio = major anxiety attacks, particularly when traveling by car in large cities: protocols identical to those used in the case of Sophie, who is his mother: problem resolved in about a month; he told me that he had never felt so good from the first session compared to all the therapies used before Kolaimni.
Mireille Lège on 01/09/2.22
Hello Ghislaine I want to thank you for all the good you have brought to my husband and me. My husband, who, after several heart operations, could no longer walk properly or do handiwork, now moves around and manages to live better by tinkering and lives more normally. As for me, you have helped me several times with my back, sleep, energy, and currently my legs. I hope that you will continue to practice for a very long time to make our sometimes painful daily lives easier. Yours sincerely Mireille and Alain
LADY, a one and a half year old cat, abandoned in a shelter by her owners, was letting herself die, and was stressed and aggressive.
After a complete Kolaimni, and a “stress” supplement, she was already much better. And even better after 2 Nalko protocols (aimed at reducing fear). And finally adopted 5 days later!
LOVELY Cat escaped into a garden she didn't know, after a transfer during the Hostens fires, and disappeared for 2 days; After a connection and a Kolaimni + a Nalko = came back that night,
Same for JAZZIE in second home missing for 2 days
Was very fearful before and much calmer afterwards.
SIMBA : One-year-old Chiwawa, totally traumatized by big dogs; he became very aggressive as soon as he saw one and went on the attack, bordering on a heart attack.
Total change in behavior after Kolaimni and Nalko.
Became completely indifferent to everything that previously stressed him after 3 sessions!
MISTI = cat having made a fairly complicated and painful first trip from Rennes to Mayotte. For the 2nd trip, I gave her Kolaimni + Nalko = impeccable trip
FLOCON : bladder problem; no longer urinated: several complete Kolaimni + local bladder = perfect
